by Dr T.B Barragry
ALMOST 50% OF TOTAL LAMB LOSSES occur in the first 48 hours of life. Newborn lambs have virtually no immunity and a key organ in developing this immunity is the gut microbiome. The gut microbiome consists of a population of billions of commensal organisms (good bugs) which provide many beneficial effects for the body, and in fact the gastrointestinal tract is now known to be the largest immune system of the body. A clear immunological link exists therefore between the gut microbiota, the immune system and the presence or absence of neonatal disease. This gut microbiome is almost sterile and is highly underdeveloped in the lamb at birth and thus it is no coincidence that the newborn lamb therefore possesses low immunity and is highly susceptible to infection. Augmenting this gut microbiome with probiotic/beneficial bacteria organisms at birth is one way to help enhance immunity and help prevent E. coli infection. The short window period after birth is a critical time for the neonatal gut to be populated with beneficial bacteria probiotic organisms which will then replicate and promote gut protection and strong immunity.
Starvation, hypothermia, and hypoglycaemia are amongst the highest causes of mortality in newborn lambs – in wet and cold conditions as well as warm and sunny. Adequate colostrum and brown fat (a type of fat that the lamb is born with) help the lamb through this period by increasing heat production. Difficult or premature births can cause weak lambs which contributes to hypothermia.

Newborn lambs are fragile creatures and extremely susceptible to disease and infections. They are born with an almost sterile gut microbiome, and an exceptionally low inherent immunity. Good quality colostrum is of critical importance. In addition, lambs are born with low levels of crucial vitamins especially Vitamin E & A.
Country UF Newborn Lamb 5 in 1 is specially designed and formulated to help newborn lambs by immediately boosting their blood sugar and energy levels. It contains high levels of:
- Glucose, energy, and propylene glycol acting as fast and prolonged precursors of blood glucose.
- Unique egg powder which help to combat E. coli infection.
- Selenium and vitamin E to help stimulate the immune system.
- Cobalt and vitamin B12 which accelerate the formation of greater numbers of red blood cells.
Provita Lamb Response is a beneficial bacteria based oral formulation which acts preventatively to augment the gut commensal population of the newborn lamb with protective bacteria, thereby generating gut health, and helping to prevent the establishment of E. coli by boosting local immunity. The product also supplies protective egg powder and Vitamins B & E to further enhance gut protection and stimulate early protection against E. coli, and to stimulate metabolism and growth. Readily available energy is also provided in the product. It contains:
- Beneficial bacteria which naturally diminishes E. coli bacteria, enhances immunity, and ‘seals’ the newborn gut.
- Egg powder which provides high concentrations of unique proteins which are more potent against E. coli than usual colostral antibodies.
- High levels of vitamins necessary for the young animal’s metabolism and supplies especially vitamin E, which stimulates the lymphocytes in the underdeveloped immune system, thus adding a further layer of protection.
- High energy to stimulate appetite, help prevent hypothermia and to stimulate blood flow through vital organs.