In the first few months of the year, when there is still some time ahead of a busy period of work, it is a good chance to think about how you can make sure your health is a priority.
RSABI’s Health Hut Nurse, Irene Scott (pictured below right), offers her top tips to boost your health for the busy months ahead:
Farmers can put off medical appointments and health checks during busier times of the year. If there is something that is worrying you or causing you pain, now could be a good time to get it checked out.
It’s tempting to reach for snacks and junk food during the winter months but try and get a good balance of healthy meals containing fruit and vegetables. A flask of soup can be a warming way to get a quick nutritious meal when away from the farmhouse. Stay hydrated with water – avoiding alcohol and energy drinks, which can dehydrate you, affect your sleep and increase your heart rate.
Exercise is a great way to boost your mood as well as increase fitness and energy levels. Even just a brisk walk for 20 minutes each day can make a difference by increasing your resilience and ability to cope with the pressures of life whilst also improving sleep, so try to find a way to build it into your daily routine.
If you have been struggling to get a good night’s sleep, now is the time to try to get into a better routine. Try to get to bed at a decent time and put your mobile phone out of reach. Everyone is different but try to find what works best for you to wind down before bed – perhaps a bath, a few pages of a book or listening to music will help you unwind.
The winter months can be draining. Reach out and reconnect with family, neighbours and relatives if you are feeling a bit low. Take the time to contact someone who you are worried may be feeling isolated or lonely. We know that talking through what is on your mind can make a huge difference to our mental health.
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