A BIG BIG thank you to all our customers who joined us at our charity Christmas lunch this week, it was an great event and we’ve raised an amazing £35,000 for Clan Cancer Support – Cara Baxter’s Legacy
All our thanks goes to:
- Our sponsors Boehringer Ingelheim, United Molasses, Aon, JERA IT, Ledingham Chalmers Solicitors, Feed for Growth, Trouw Nutrition, McCreath Simpson & Prentice, we wouldn’t be able to raise so much money without the support of these businesses.
- AAB – Business Advisors, Emma & Peter Cowie – Carlincraig Farm, Morrison Construction, Barra Castle, The Fife Arms (Turriff) and AON for donating auction items and raffle prizes.
- Colin Slessor and Fraser Chapman from ANM Group Ltd for hosting the auction and helping to raise this staggering amount.
- To Jim Brown, our after dinner speaker, who filled the room with laughter and kept our guests entertained into the evening.
- The Barra Castle team for keeping the glasses topped-up, Harry Fraser Catering Services Limited for another delicious meal and 3:16 AVI for the audio and visual.
- Finally to all our guests, without your support and generosity we couldn’t have raised this fantastic amount for Clan Cancer Support – Cara Baxter’s Legacy
If you want to find out more about CLAN and the vital work they do, then please visit www.clancancersupport.org