Monitoring the efficiency and profitability of your dairy herd

Our Milk Monitor programme is a monthly performance monitoring and benchmarking tool that we use to assess performance with our customers.

Our dairy specialist, Billy Andrew, explains how we use Milk Monitor:


“Our customers submit data on a number of pre-defined KPIs and we then analyse the data. The programme allows us to measure herd financial performance, feed efficiency and milk performance and then we use that information to identify areas to focus on to ultimately improve profitability. We carry these out with some customers on a monthly or quarterly basis so we can benchmark them against themselves. This way, we can monitor the effects of any changes and show trends and improvements. The aim is keep moving forwards, and it’s great to look back at the data and see where customers have improved.”

Baillies of Crumhaugh are achieving the highest margin/cow/day

Our top performing customer this month according to Milk Monitor who has the highest margin per cow per day is the Baillie family at Crumhaugh who are feeding a TMR that includes Maxammon barley and Harbro minerals including RumiTech.

Billy Andrew, who has worked closely with the Baillie family for over 20 years tells us more; “It’s great to see the Baillies’ cows performing so well. The family are always looking to progress and refine their system, and challenge themselves as to how they can improve. A recent development they’ve brought into place is moving to a single TMR, which had previously been split.

Maxammon and RumiTech are essential parts of the ration

Two important products that we’ve included in their ration for some time now are Maxammon treated cereals to raise the protein and pH of their home grown cereals, helping to produce not only a sustainable but also cost effective feed. Their minerals include RumiTech which has been seen not only to improve feed efficiency, meaning more milk from the same amount of feed, but it also has a positive impact on fertility.

The family (father Jimmy, and sons James and Gavin) work closely together as a team, and their attention to detail is second to none. It’s rewarding working with customers with their level of dedication and I’m excited about helping them to push performance on further as we come into the winter months.”

Find out more about Maxammon

Find out more about RumiTech

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